A short wave model of the two-component Degasperis-Proceli equation

报告题目:A short wave model of the two-component Degasperis-Proceli equation

报告人:冯宝峰 教授(Department of Mathematics, University of Texas-Pan, American)

主持人:陈    勇 教授

时间:2016年6月5日 9:00-11:00



In the present talk, we propose a short wave model of the two-component Degasperis-Proceli equation. First, we give a review on the bilinear equation of extended BKP hierarchy which derives the reduced Ostrovsky equation, or the short wave model of the Degasperis-Proceli equation by periodic 3 reduction. Starting from the same bilinear equation, we will show a two-component reduced Ostrovsky equation can be derived by a pseudo 3-reduction. As a byproduct, its N-soliton solution in terms of pfaffians are constructed. Furthermore, we give the Lax pair of the two-component reduced Ostrovsky equation to assure the integrability of the proposed equation.



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